Colby Hinton

Grade One
Hi! My name is Colby Hinton. I am one of the grade one teachers at WES. Teaching is an absolute passion of mine. Grade 1 is a year full of firsts. There is so much growth and development and I feel lucky that I am able to be the one to teach, inspire and guide these little minds through their first full year of school. I have a love for learning and hope to pass this love on to my students by creating a classroom environment that is safe, caring, stimulating, educational and fun!
I am married to my wonderful husband, Dallas and we have four awesome children: Seanna, Tristen, Ethan and Dylan. Right now and in the foreseeable future our life pretty much revolves around our kids and their activities, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! We spend our winters (okay some of fall and early spring too) at the rink. When we aren’t at the rink we spend time at our farm, outdoors, playing games together, watching a good movie and going camping.