Staff Directory


Photo of Tom Koskie

Tom Koskie

Vice Principal

Photo of Christine Martens

Christine Martens

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Merna Boychuk

Merna Boychuk

Photo of Paula Wells

Paula Wells


Photo of Laurel Boxell

Laurel Boxell


Photo of Janet Flynn

Janet Flynn

Social Emotional Coach (SEC)

placeholder image for Gillian Morrison

Gillian Morrison

Inclusive Learning

Photo of Christine Martens

Christine Martens

Inclusive Learning Coordinator


Photo of Tracy Saretsky

Tracy Saretsky


Photo of Colby Hinton

Colby Hinton

Grade One

placeholder image for Jane Schoenthal

Jane Schoenthal

Grade One

Photo of Braelene Ballas

Braelene Ballas

Grade Four

Photo of Sheila Propp

Sheila Propp

Grade Two

Photo of Angela Golinowski

Angela Golinowski

Grade Three

Photo of Selene Stang

Selene Stang

Grade Three

Photo of Jodi Valleau

Jodi Valleau

Grade Four

Photo of Ashley Chaulk

Ashley Chaulk

Grade Five

Photo of Deana Munn

Deana Munn

Grade Five

Photo of Devery Raasok

Devery Raasok

Grade Six

Photo of Dale Mitchell

Dale Mitchell

Phys Ed.

Photo of Megan Wakefield

Megan Wakefield

Grade Six

Photo of Lisa Wahlberg

Lisa Wahlberg

Grade Two

Photo of Jenna Beier

Jenna Beier

Grade One

Photo of Lara Ledger

Lara Ledger

Grade Three

Photo of Mackenzie Goodwin

Mackenzie Goodwin

Grade Six

Photo of Austin Leggett

Austin Leggett

Grade Four

Photo of Kendra Barss

Kendra Barss


Photo of Brant Saretsky

Brant Saretsky

Grade Six

Educational Assistants

placeholder image for Marilyn Devey

Marilyn Devey

Photo of Sarah Halsey

Sarah Halsey

placeholder image for Catherine Komadina

Catherine Komadina

placeholder image for Gail Koroluk

Gail Koroluk

Photo of Melanie Lake

Melanie Lake

placeholder image for Glenna Lingley

Glenna Lingley

Photo of Annette Nesbitt

Annette Nesbitt

Photo of Debora Rhodes

Debora Rhodes

Photo of Anita Sawyer

Anita Sawyer

placeholder image for Deanna Warden

Deanna Warden

Photo of Nicole Trevors

Nicole Trevors

placeholder image for Joanne Andersen

Joanne Andersen


placeholder image for Brenda Clark

Brenda Clark

placeholder image for Freida Doupe

Freida Doupe

placeholder image for Ryan Kroening

Ryan Kroening

Therapy Assistant

Photo of Taylor Johnson

Taylor Johnson