Megan Wakefield

Grade Six
I have a long and lovely history with WES. I attended WES from K-6 and had always hoped to return one day as a teacher. I have been teaching for 10 years and have been in four different schools in our division. I have taught all the way from grade 4 to grade 11. There isn't a grade I haven't loved and the opportunity to have such a diverse teaching experience has been an amazing one. After my time at WES I moved on and graduated from WHS. I then attended the U of A, I completed a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Psychology and a minor in Linguistics. I then went on to complete my After Degree in Elementary Education. Lifelong learning is something that I am committed to, as I love to learn and recognize the privilege I have that there are so many available opportunities for me. I hope to one day complete my masters degree in a field within education.
I am married to my loving husband Mark and we have three wonderful children; our oldest attends WES in Grade 2, our middle is starting Kindergarten this year and youngest is in our Pre-Kindergarten program. Three kids in three years has made life exciting and at times a bit hectic, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
Teaching is my passion; building relationships with students and watching the growth that occurs in my classroom is one of the greatest joys I have ever experienced. I also love the family that is built within the walls of a school, I feel so privileged to work with such amazing and passionate staff everyday. Outside of school I am also an avid sewist, I like to quilt and make clothes for my munchkins. I only started sewing when my oldest daughter was born and it is something I really love doing in the few spare moments I have. I am also a reader, often reading a minimum of 20 books every summer!