WES September 2023 Newsletter
Posted on September 20 2023Follow link to view WES September 2023 Newsletter
Follow link to view WES September 2023 Newsletter
Wainwright Elementary School is proud to be participating in the Terry Fox School Run Friday Sept 22nd.. Please join us and continue the legacy of one of our greatest Canadian heroes. Donate at: https://schools.terryfox.ca/WainwrightElementary…
Good Afternoon Everyone, HOT LUNCH: The hot lunch program is now open for October ordering for families who are interested. Orders and payments for October's hot lunch are due on September 26th. The information…
WES milk sales are set to begin Monday, Sept 18th. Students are offered a choice of white or chocolate milk for $1.00. Milk tickets can be bought at our school office or exact change is acceptable. Proceeds…
Day three (Wed Sept 13) of WES Welcome Week - Career Day - Dress up like what you want to be when you grow up.
Military Family Appreciation Day is approaching soon! JOIN WES AND WEAR RED SEPT 15th! On Friday, September 15, Buffalo Trail Public Schools proudly recognizes Military Family Appreciation Day, observed…
WES and WEPA are excited to announce the WES Wear Fundraiser brought to you by 12 Thirty Four Marketing!Thank you to 12 Thirty Four Marketing for the two design options! They are also leaving this open…
We have WES spirit, yes we do. We have WES spirit, how about you!We are starting the school year off with some “Welcome Week” activities (Sept 11-15).