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Terry Fox School Run 2022

Terry Fox School Day Run 2022

Terry Fox : A Canadian Beauty!

The National Terry Fox School Run with other schools returned to the PMM and it was a beauty just like Terry! The weather was incredible, the smiles abundant, and the energy was palpable. WHS, WES, BSS and BSS Outreach School joined up for a wonderful morning to celebrate a true Canadian hero Terry Fox. Staff, parents, grandparents and community members ran, walked, rollerbladed, strollered and biked their way along Railway Avenue on a beautiful Wednesday morning.

Students from all schools mingled together and enjoyed a great tribute to Terry and his journey for life through his legacy of the “Marathon of Hope” and his family’s commitment to the Terry Fox Foundation.

Huge salute to each and every person who completed the event. Terry would truly be proud of Wainwright and our commitment to continuing his legacy after the first run/walk 42 years ago!

It is critical that we continue to honor Terry and his legacy and empower our students to learn more about Terry and his determination, commitment and “stick-to-it-ness”. We, as a WES family, watched videos, read books and researched information on Terry so that we will never forget his legacy on our Canadian spirit.

Thank you to all who participated in the worthwhile event and we appreciate the Town of Wainwright and their support, local RCMP and local Bylaw officers for their security detail as well as staff and parents who volunteered at the end of the streets adjacent to Railway Avenue.

His legacy continues and that makes all of us better citizens of Canada for it.

If interested in donating more to this cause go to:

Thank you

Mr. Mitchell
National Terry Fox School Run
Wainwright Elementary School Organizer

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