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WES/BTPS Weather Policies and Procedures

Given how Winter barged in today we thought we would remind you of our weather/inclement weather procedures and policies (Also found in our WES Parent Handbook ).

Outdoor Play - Cold Weather Policy

Students go outside each recess break unless the weather is inclement, -25 degrees Celsius with or without the wind chill. Please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for going outdoors throughout the school year.Inclement Weather – Buses Not RunningThe contractor or bus operator is empowered to decide whether to make the run or return the students to their places of residence during regular hours when a storm is in progress or threatening. However, in the matter of low temperature, but normal road conditions, the parents will be responsible for deciding whether to send their students on the bus or not.

Box Clever Bus Status App

You want to stay on top of any busing delays or cancellations, and we want you to, too. Buffalo Trail Public Schools uses the Box Clever Bus Status App to give parents and caregivers a simple and accessible way to make sure they're notified of any changes in the status of their students' bus routes immediately. The app is available on the App Store for Apple devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices. iPhone users must be running iOS version 11.0 or later to use the app properly.

*Choose Buffalo Trail Public Schools Division

*Choose your school/schools

*Choose your bus/buses

Plan Ahead

Discuss with your child and bus driver your plans should the bus driver decide to transport the students’ home early due to inclement weather or in an emergency. Does your child have access to your house? Is there a safe place for your child to go? What happens if they miss the bus?

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