Winter Active 2023

Winter Active 2023
On Friday, January 27th, our students took part in our 18th Annual Winter Active
Day. Students and staff enjoyed a great time in not ideal but not terrible conditions. It
was a little cool in the morning with wind and light snow, but no big deal we all “sucked
it up”. Grades 3-4 started off the day at 9:45 and then KMWS Grade 1-2 at 11:00. The
grades 5-6 finished off the day at 1:00 with -14 degree temperatures with a little sun
mixed in with a cold breeze. The students could be heard on either side of the school with
plenty of laughs, smiles and the odd wipeout. Each class was divided up into two groups
and they were able to take part in at least four different stations that were spread
throughout the school grounds. There were a total of 15 stations. Many classes stayed
out a little longer and tried a few extra stations or ventured up to the top of the hill for a
photo op.
Students were seen throughout the day smiling, giggling and simply being kids
again. Between Covid and brutally cold weather for most of the winter, it was sure nice
to head outside and enjoy ourselves. Participation and fair play attitudes were modeling
and demonstrated and our students had a blast! Whether it was Tug-of-War, to parachute
fun, to snow-cer to snow lacrosse, to obstacle courses to toboggan races to broomball.
Whatever the challenge our students accepted it and tried their best to complete the
stations to the best of their ability.
Huge WES STAR salute goes out to WEPA who provided a refueling snacks after
our activities complete with a granola bar, cheese string, apple and a juice box. We appreciate all that WEPA does for our students and staff.
The final thank you goes out to the students and staff of WES for their love of life
and fun in the snow. We enjoyed a somewhat cold day but there were not many
complaints and fellowship and fun were stressed the most. Canadian winters are harsh but
if you dress properly everyone can get outside and enjoy some fresh air (Canada has the
best air) and fun.
See you in the gym, or outside!
Mr. Mitchell
18th Annual Winter Active Coordinator