K-3 Sports Activity Day 2023

WES K-3 Sports Activity Day 2023
K-3 Activity Goes Off After a Couple of Hitches
On Monday, June 19 th the K-3 Activity Day finally took place with cloudy skies
and a cool day – just perfect to perform in. Scheduling glitch plus rain last
Thursday bumped our day to Monday. Grades 2-3 jumped, ran and threw their
way through 20 activity stations and had a blast in the process. Attendance was
high and our Grade 5s were on hand again to assist at the stations. Comments
were made after the event that the Grade 5 helpers did a marvelous job and I
tend to agree. They were keen and eager and did a masterful job of explaining
and demonstrating to our younger students.
Stations included: plyometric boxes, 20 m slalom run, agility ladders and speed
hula hoops, frisbee distance toss, tchoukball toss and catch, tug-of-war- balance,
noodle tag, high step skipping with a ball, tic-tac-toe processing game, medicine
ball lift and leap frog, tennis ball accuracy throw, 10 m hurdles, rugby drop kicks,
ring toss catching and throwing, football accuracy throwing, Chicken-fish-spice
relay race, standing broad jump, obstacle course and tire flip, introduction to high
jump and springboard long jump.
Students took on each station for approximately 7-10 minutes and then moved
on to more stations and more challenges.
Huge WES salute to all teachers, Educational Assistants, parent and
grandparent supervisors who assisted us with the day. Groups were small on
purpose to allow for maximum repetitions at each station.
See you in the gym and please have a safe and fun summer outside playing
sports, games, swimming and honing your skills!
Mr. Mitchell