Welcome Back!

Good Afternoon Everyone,
We want to make your first day as easy as possible, so we’ve come up with some information that might help you plan your day.
Where can I park?
We have a Pick up and Drop off Zones map below. If you’re new to WES please take a moment to look at it. For student safety we ask that families avoid parking in the bus zone (this includes across the street from the buses), and between the two crosswalks that are located in the middle of the street on either side of the school (see the map).
What Door Do I Use?
For the first day families can enter through their child's grade level doors. The door locations are below, and there will be staff throughout the school to help everyone find their way.
Kindergarten is the South entrance with yellow doors.
Grades 1 is the South East entrance, look for the white doors with stairs leading up to them.
Grade 2 and 4 will be the East middle entrance where the long walkway is.
Grade 3 will be the North East entrance in the corner of the building near the gym.
Grade 4 and 2 will be the East middle entrance where the long walkway is.
Grade 5 is the North West door by the gym on main street.
Grade 6 is located on the west side between grade 5 and the main entrance.
What time does school start and end?
Our school day starts at 8:43 am and ends at 3:27 pm. On the first day you can come earlier to help your child get settled.
Who is my child’s teacher?
Class placements were sent home on the last day of school with students in Grades 1 to 6, and were emailed in June to our Kindergarten parents. If you are not sure who your child’s teacher is you can email us at wes@btps.ca or stop by the school office in the morning and we will help you out.
What is my child’s first day of school?
Students in Grades 1 to 6 will start school Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Students in Kindergarten have been given a staggered entrance date between September 5 and September 8, and will only attend one day this week with regular programming starting next week. If your child is in Kindergarten and you don’t know their staggered start date, please phone the school office at (780)842-3361 or email wes@btps.ca.
Busing Questions?
If you registered for busing and have not been notified of your child's bus driver, bus number, pick up location and times, or drop off time, please phone the Transportation Department at (780) 806-2052 or email transportation@btps.ca.
We hope this information helps. At any time throughout the year if you have questions or concerns, we encourage you to phone the school office at (780)842-3361 or email wes@btps.ca. We are open from 8:00 am and 4:15 pm.
Sincerely, Wainwright Elementary School