WES Hot Lunch Program/Milk Sales

Good Afternoon Everyone,
The hot lunch program is now open for October ordering for families who are interested. Orders and payments for October's hot lunch are due on September 26th. The information for setting up an account can be found by following the link - https://wes.btps.ca/programs/hot-lunch. If you have questions about your account, please email wepawes@gmail.com. Remember, all the accounts from last year have been deleted, so even if you had an account you will have to set up a new one for this year.
Milk Sales start on Monday, September 18th. We will have chocolate and white milk available for students to purchase for $1.00. Parents who would prefer to buy tickets (10 Tickets/$10) in bulk rather than sending money to school daily, are welcome to stop by the office to purchase them. Please do not send large amounts of money with your child to school. If you cannot make it into the office to buy the tickets yourself, you can etransfer wes@btps.ca. For e-transfer, please include in the message: Milk Tickets, your child's name, and the number of tickets you are purchasing. We encourage students to write their names on their tickets, since we won't be reusing them.
Our classrooms are very busy places, so teachers will not be keeping milk money or tickets in their classroom to keep track of. Purchased tickets will be sent home. Parents can decide whether or not they want to keep them in their child's backpack (mail bag for the younger grades), or keep them at home to send in when your child wants milk. Children will be responsible for handing a ticket in on the day they want milk. We appreciate your understanding.
Have a great weekend!