20th Annual WES Winter Active 2025

20th Annual WES Winter Active 2025
Students took part in our 20th annual Winter Active. Smiles and laughter echoed outside as students participated in a number of active stations outside. The weather was fantastic and the attitudes matched it. Many students showed up early to assist in the setup of the 15 stations. Grade 3-4 went out first at 9:45, followed by the K-2 at 10:30. Grades 5-6 wrapped up the day from 1:00-2:00. They also took down all the stations. Groups were small and everyone worked well together to enjoy the day. Huge WES star salute to WEPA for providing a healthy refueling snacks for all of us to partake in.
Thanks to all staff for supporting this venture and encouraging our students to try new things and compete and have fun.
See you in the gym
Mr. Mitchell