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Welcome Back - A Few Key Points for First Day

Dear WES Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back, we hope you all have had a wonderful summer and are all excited about the new school year.

We have received a number of inquiries with regards to COVID-19 procedures/masks.

WES is going to be cautious and closely follow the same procedures as last year as we know our students do not have the availability of the vaccine.

Students will be in the grade cohorts. We will have staggered recesses with designated play areas for each cohort. There will be sanitizing stations set up at all the entrances.

Students will be asked to wear a mask when they are in transition outside of their classroom in the hallways or where they may be able to mingle with others in a close proximity. (Grades 3-6)

Parents/Visitors will need to fill out the screening app (QR Code in Key Points Letter) and wear masks prior to entering the building. We are asking parents to meet their child outside by the student’s designated entrance.

We ask that students arrive at school as close to 8:43 AM as possible and line up at their designated door and to leave the school grounds at 3:27PM and not stay to play with others.

All bus students will require to wear a mask on the buses grades (K-6)

If there is a positive COVID-19 case within the school, masks will be mandatory for all students (K-6) and staff for 14 days.

The good news this year is that we anticipate a start to intramurals and some after school activities once we get started and settled. 

We will keep you updated as things develop and change.  Please view the Key Points Letter here.

Thank you for your concern and support, our goal is to provide a safe, caring, learning environment for your children, our students.


Take Care,

Tom Koskie
WES Principal

Wainwright Elementary School

905 10 Street

Wainwright, Alberta

T9W 2R6

Phone:  (780)842-3361

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