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WES K-3 Sports Activity Day 2022

WES K-3 Activity Day 2022

K-3 Activity Day Rocks WES!

On Friday, June 17th our school hosted its annual K-3 Sports Activity Day where the students get to show off their skills that they have learned over the year in physical education class.  The weather cooperated and we enjoyed a cloudy, muggy day with plenty of sun and wind.  K-1 completed their stations in the morning and Grades 2-3 tackled the stations in the afternoon.

Students took part in fifteen stations that we set up on the bus side of the school.  These stations focused on the three elements of track and field: running, throwing and jumping and more importantly we worked on teamwork and cooperation throughout the day.  Our students performed well in the stations and could be seen cheering on their teammates when it was his or her turn to go.  

Stations included the following: 1) Plyometric Boxes 2) Frisbee Distance Throw 3) 10 m Slalom Run 4) Agility Ladder and Speed Rings 5) Standing Broad Jump 6) Medicine Ball toss and balance beam controlled body movements 7) Obstacle Course and tire flip 8) Introduction to High Jump 9) Springboard Long Jump 10) Accuracy Throwing at Targets (wiffle balls and footballs) 11) Ring Toss to a partner 12) Tug of War 13) Accuracy Throwing (shuttles and penguins) 14) Chicken-Fish-Spice Run 15) Balance Bops.

Huge parent and grandparent turnout to watch which was fantastic to see.  Hats off to our staff for enjoying the day with the students.

Thank you to all group leaders as well who took the time to engage with our students and support them during their attempts at each station.  

Thank you to all students who assisted with the set up in the morning.  It is important to help out when you can and I appreciate it.

Thank you to administration and Mrs. Wells for cutting up and providing a healthy treat of watermelon after our activities were complete. 

See you in the gym,

Mr. Mitchell

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